AGIC 2014

Online GIS Mapping without GIS Servers

Who dis?

James Fee

Business Development
Web Developer
PHXGeo Founder

Who dat over there?

Sheldon McGee

Web Developer
Build in the physical world with wood
Arduino and Pi are cool
GDG Organizer

Why No GIS Servers?

They are slow

They are can be expensive to license

They require you to use .NET, Java, C++

They are middleware

Not the future

Picture a normal GIS type of day...

Email arrives:

Dear GIS Guy,

I want to put data on a map and share it with people. I need this done immediately and it must look like the Google Maps.

Dan the Engineer

Setting up a GIS Server is a huge pain in the rear!

Steps to get GIS Server running

  1. Find setup disks or download from web
  2. Check with IT guy to see if server is available
  3. Install prerequisites such as TomCat
  4. Apply patches
  5. Try and get administration settings to work
  6. Attempt to add data sources for maps
  7. Realize you forgot to do step 4 above
  8. Then...

Dan the Engineer comes knocking...

So what choices do we have?


TileMill + MBTiles

GeoServer and GeoWebCache

Esri ArcGIS

Mapnik (for those who roll their own)


But James...

Tiling only works for data that doesn't change.

That's what databases are for!

So let's use a spatial db to serve up the data!


GeoJSON is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures.

  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [-112.46, 34.54]
  "properties": {
    "name": "Prescott, Arizona"

Here's the plan

The tech

  • Node.js
  • PostGIS
  • Some JS mapping library


Google Maps

Time to get serious

Loading data into PostGIS

// Make your database PostGIS Aware
psql -U username -d mygisdb

// Use magic, free, cross-platform tool to export shape to sql
shp2pgsql -s 4326 AZBoundary.shp AZBoundary > sql/AZBoundary.sql

// import that into our database
psql -h localhost -d mygisdb -U postgres -f sql/AZBoundary.sql

// pull data out as GeOjSoN
SELECT ST_AsGeoJson(ST_Transform(b.geom,4326)) as geojson

Setting up Node.js

// Don't need the latest but most people install from source on Linux
wget -N
tar xzvf node-latest.tar.gz && cd node-v*

// On Red Hat/Cent/Fedora? Use epel
yum install
yum install nodejs npm --enablerepo=epel

NO! Not that kind of setup!

Setting up Node.js

//get the repo . . . maybe put it in /var/www?
git clone

//install dependancies . . . there are only two
npm install


Line by line!

var pg = require('pg');
var geojson = require('../helpers/geojson');
var jsonp = require('../helpers/jsonp');
var settings = require('../settings');

module.exports.controller = function(app) {

  /* enable CORS */
  app.all('*', function(req, res, next) {
    res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
    res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Requested-With');

  app.get('/vector/:schema/:table/:geom/intersect', function(req, res, next) {
    var queryshape = ' {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [' + req.query['lng'] + ',' + req.query['lat'] + '] }';
    var geom = req.params.geom.toLowerCase();
    if ((geom != 'features') && (geom != 'geometry') && (geom != 'all')) {
      res.status(404).send("Resource '" + geom + "' not found");
    var schemaname = req.params.schema;
    var tablename = req.params.table;
    var fullname = schemaname + '.' + tablename;
    pg.connect(settings.database, function(err, client, done) {
      // var spatialcol = 'wkb_geometry';
      var spatialcol = 'geom';
      var sql;
      var coll;
      if (geom == 'features') {
        sql = 'select st_asgeojson(st_transform(' + spatialcol + ',4326)) as geojson, * from ' + tablename + ' where ST_INTERSECTS(' + spatialcol + ", ST_SetSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('" + queryshape + "'),4326));";
        coll = {
          type: 'FeatureCollection',
          features: []
        query = client.query(sql);

      if (geom == 'all') {
        sql = 'select st_asgeojson(st_transform(' + spatialcol + ',4326)) as geojson, * from ' + tablename;
        coll = {
          type: 'FeatureCollection',
          features: []
        query = client.query(sql);

      query.on('row', function(result) {
        var props = new Object;
        if (!result) {
          return res.send('No data found');
        else {
          if (geom == 'features' ||  geom == 'all') {
            coll.features.push(geojson.getFeatureResult(result, spatialcol));
          } else if (geom == 'geometry') {
            var shape = JSON.parse(result.geojson);

      query.on('end', function(err, result) {
        res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
        res.send(jsonp.getJsonP(req.query.callback, coll));
  app.get('/neighbor/:schema/:table/:geom/intersect', function(req, res, next) {
    var queryshape = "'SRID=4326;POINT(" + req.query['lng'] +' ' + req.query['lat'] + ")'";
    var geom = req.params.geom.toLowerCase();
    if ((geom != 'features') && (geom != 'geometry')) {
      res.status(404).send("Resource '" + geom + "' not found");
    var schemaname = req.params.schema;
    var tablename = req.params.table;
    var fullname = schemaname + '.' + tablename;
    pg.connect(settings.database, function(err, client, done) {
      var spatialcol = 'wkb_geometry';
      var sql;
      var coll;
      if (geom == 'features') {
        sql = 'SELECT ST_AsGeoJson(ST_Transform(b.' + spatialcol + ',4326)) as geojson, * from ' + tablename + ' as a, ' + tablename + ' as b where st_distance(a.' + spatialcol + ',b.' + spatialcol + ') < .00005 and ST_INTERSECTS(a.' + spatialcol + ', ST_GeographyFromText(' + queryshape + '));'
        //sql = 'SELECT ST_AsGeoJson(ST_Transform(b.' + spatialcol + ',4326)) as geojson, * from ' + tablename + ' as a, ' + tablename + ' as b where st_touches(a.' + spatialcol + ',b.' + spatialcol + ') and ST_INTERSECTS(a.' + spatialcol + ', ST_GeographyFromText(' + queryshape + '));'
        coll = {
          type: 'FeatureCollection',
          features: []
        query = client.query(sql);

      query.on('row', function(result) {
        var props = new Object;
        if (!result) {
          return res.send('No data found');
        else {
          if (geom == 'features') {
            coll.features.push(geojson.getFeatureResult(result, spatialcol));
          } else if (geom == 'geometry') {
            var shape = JSON.parse(result.geojson);

      query.on('end', function(err, result) {
        res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
        res.send(jsonp.getJsonP(req.query.callback, coll));



Hosting the Application

//Install pm2 (globally) 
npm install -g pm2

//use pm2 to start the server, it's listening on port 3000
pm2 start server.js

//you should probably put it all behind nginx and proxy to 3000
//but in this case just used some iptables magic
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3000

Using GeoJSON with Google Maps:

Google Maps Javascript API v3 Data Layer


Leaflet too!


And Openlayers . . .

            var vectorSource = new ol.source.GeoJSON(.........

.loadGeoJson, .geoJson, .GeoJSON . . .

GIS without GIS Servers!

Cheap Hosting

PostGIS goodness

JavaScript simplicity

Load GIS data on Google Maps

The Demo

GIS in Google Maps

GIS in Google Maps (Local)


More DOM elements . . . can be slow . . . but not forever


Fork it on GitHub
which was a fork of
which was a fork of

Sharing is caring



Or if you are shy catch us on twitter: